Health Benefits Of Black Jack Herb

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Spanish Needle
  1. Health Benefits Of Black Jack Herb Extract
  2. Health Benefits Of Black Jack Herb Vaporizer
  3. Health Benefits Of Black Jack Herb Supplement
  4. Health Benefits Of Black Jack Herb Benefits

Spanish needle(Bidens Pilosa) medicinal herb is grown widely all over Jamaica. It is a plant that is native to America and it is an annual herb from the Asteraceae family. It can be seen in fields, roadways and even on the lawns.

Black tea contains polyphenols, which are also antioxidants that help block DNA damage associated with tobacco or other toxic chemicals. These antioxidants are different from those obtained from fruits and vegetables and therefore as a regular part of our diet they can provide additional benefits towards a healthy lifestyle. Avocado leaf has more protein, fiber, minerals, and phytochemicals like flavonoids and phenols than the fruit. It can prevent convulsions, lower the blood glucose level, fight ulcer with its antioxidants, and lower body weight by burning fat stored in adipose tissues. The leaf has a licorice or anise-like flavor but can be bitter. Some of the good effects of black pepper include cancer and diabetes prevention, improved digestive health, and enhanced brain health. The potent antioxidants in black pepper also promote skin and hair health.

Health benefits of black jack herb extract

Health Benefits Of Black Jack Herb Extract

Health benefits The benefits of this medicinal herb are many. It may be used to treat diabetes, colds, flu, bronchitis, hepatitis, colic, asthma, menstrual conditions, urinary tract infections as well as bacterial infections. What Are The Health Benefits Of Black Pepper? The piperine in black pepper has numerous beneficial properties (antioxidant, antibacterial, etc.) that can improve your health in many ways. Some of the good effects of black pepper include cancer and diabetes prevention, improved digestive health, and enhanced brain health.

It is a very showy herb because it is very easy to be seen from afar because of its colorful and bright flowers. It possesses white petals settled around a circle of beautiful yellow blooms.

This is the main plant fed to rabbits, so every morning in the rural areas, rabbit owners pick the fresh herb to put in the rabbit cages. Goats also enjoy this outstanding and wonderful medicinal plant.

Some of the medicinal properties of this plant are astringent, carminative, diuretic, emmenagogue amongst others.

Some of the common names are Beggars tick, Black jack, Broomstick, Needle grass, Cobblers peg, Demon spike grass, as well as Ghost needle weed. The constituents are flavonoids, benzenoids, terpene as well as lipids.

This medicinal plant is always dear to me because it reminds me of my primary school days when we were taught a poem written by Jamaican poet, Claude McKay in regards to this plant.

He described it as lovely and dainty with its yellow and white flowers. However, there was more to it than that. It possesses great medicinal benefits.

Health benefits

The benefits of this medicinal herb are many. It may be used to treat diabetes, colds, flu, bronchitis, hepatitis, colic, asthma, menstrual conditions, urinary tract infections as well as bacterial infections. It is also used to treat Anti-adult T-cell leukemia.

The flower can be soaked in white rum and used for alleviating toothaches. It can also be combined with cabbage and callaloo and juiced then used as herbal remedy for most of the above ailments

Due to its antiseptic properties it can be utilized as a natural mouth wash which will benefit sore gums and sore mouths. In Africa they use the juice as a styptic for cuts and wounds. The tea can be used to wash boils and rashes on the skin.

The Spanish Needle Poem by Claude McKay

Lovely dainty Spanish needle, With your yellow flower and white, Dew bedecked and softly sleeping, Do you think of me to-night?

Shadowed by the spreading mango, Nodding o'er the rippling stream, Tell me, dear plant of my childhood, Do you of the exile dream?

Do you see me by the brook's side Catching crayfish 'neath the stone, As you did the day you whispered: Leave the harmless dears alone?


Do you see me in the meadow, Coming from the woodland spring, With a bamboo on my shoulder, And a pail slung from a string?

Health benefits of black jack herb benefits

Do you see me all expectant, Lying in an orange grove, While the swee-swees sing above me, Waiting for my elf-eyed love?

Lovely dainty Spanish needle, Source to me of sweet delight, In your far-off sunny South-land, Do you dream of me to-night?

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Updated February 13, 2020

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Pineapples health benefits includes improving body immune system, great source of healthy carbs, lowering risk of cancer, helping heal wounds, improving gut health, strengthening bones, improving eye health and promoting tissue and cellular health of skin. Other benefits includes alleviating common cold and strengthening gums.

What is Pineapple?

Pineapples are perhaps one of the widest consumed tropical fruit in the world. It tastes amazing and can be eaten as well as processed into juice. Although many people prefer it in juice form, there are countless benefits to eating it fresh. Getting through its hard shell might be a daunting task, but once you get through, the yellow inner fruit is delicious. The fruit could be a bit sour, but it all depends on your luck so that makes it fun to consume. You never really know what you might get.

Pineapples help improve your health and boost your immune system to provide you optimum protection against external viruses and bacteria. Other than that, continuous use of the fruit can help you lose weight as well as help you get rid of your chronic cough. Pineapples have a lot of health benefits and are also prescribed to people suffering with respiratory complications. They contain ample amounts of bromelain that is responsible for cancer prevention, a reduction in inflammation as well as a good digestion system. Gone are the days where you will feel constipated after eating anything.

Some Nutritional Facts of Pineapple

If you go to the store and purchase a can of pineapples, you will find that they contain important nutrients that our body needs on a daily basis. We might get these nutrients from other food items, but adding pineapples to your diet is an extra bonus. Since they contain vitamin C and manganese, they are excellent at healing sore gums and revitalizing our immune system. They are also a source of vitamin B1, vitamin B6 as well as folate. All of these help maintain the integrity of your body.

10 Amazing Health Benefits of Pineapples

1. Great Source of Healthy Carbs

Pineapples contain three kinds of carbohydrates that help the body. They are called glucose, sucrose and fructose. They are necessary for chemical reactions in the body and a single cup of pineapples has around 21.7 grams of carbohydrates. This means that even if all you consume are pineapples, you will still get the necessary carbohydrates you need to survive.

2. Improves Immunity

Since pineapples contain bromelain, they are a key defender against any external viruses affecting your body. Imagine not getting sick anymore due to an increase intake of pineapples on a daily basis. You can enjoy them in a fresh tropical cocktail and not even notice that behind the great taste, the fruit is actually benefiting your body. Improved immunity also means lesser damage to organs due to inflammatory diseases as they will never get the chance to affect you in the first place.

3. Lowers Risk of Cancer

Bromelain is an active anti-inflammatory agent that helps prevent the spread of cancerous cells across the body. Research states that an increased intake of bright yellow foods can help reduce the risk of cancer.

Health Benefits Of Black Jack Herb Vaporizer

4. It May Help Heal Wounds

Certain diseases can prevent the body from healing itself properly. A weak body cannot sustain its cellular growth hence the person’s life could be in danger. The high quantity of bromelain in pineapples has shown to increase the healing ability in human beings. The research carried out in Saarland University produced such amazing results that later on the findings were used to manufacture and promote pineapple lotions.

5. Improves Gut Health

Your gut is the primary indicator of your health. An efficient and healthy gut will show its effects on a person’s face while a weak digestion can lead to several gastrointestinal problems. People who eat pineapples on a regular basis can steer clear of bloating and other gastrointestinal problems such as constipation and whatnot.

6. Strengthens Bones

Along with bromelain, pineapples also contain manganese that is important for bone regeneration as well as bone growth and help. Pineapples have an ample amount of manganese present making them the perfect substitute for meat or milk. A German study therefore states that by eating one cup of pineapples, you are able to consume 65% of your daily mineral intake.

7. Improves Eye Health

Do you have weak eyesight? Well, if you are tired of wearing glasses and want to enhance your eye health, then the best thing you can do is eat pineapples. As per recent research, it has been successfully proven that eating pineapples can help heal your eyesight. Generally, people are subject to weak eyesight as they grow past their forties, but eating pineapples on a daily basis can slow down macular degeneration.

Health Benefits Of Black Jack Herb

8. Promotes Tissue and Cellular Health of Skin

The fruit has an ever increasing list of benefits. One of the major items on that list is how pineapples help keep your skin intact and helps prevent any skin problems through cellular degeneration. People who consume one pineapple a day are known to have increased collagen synthesis, which is an integral part of your skin health. Other than that, pineapples also contain vitamin C, which in most cases is one of the most overlooked skin rejuvenator. Eating pineapples therefore can maintain tissue and cellular health of your body.

9. Alleviates Common Cold

Changing seasons brings with it a plethora of diseases. A lot of people have to face the effects of the common cold including a runny nose as well as a weak immune system. Bromelain has been recorded to have been instrumental in reducing mucus production and it also increases the effectiveness of the immune system. Overall, eating pineapples can help defend a person against the common cold.

Health Benefits Of Black Jack Herb Supplement

10. Strengthens Gums

Pineapples also consist of astringent, which helps prevent bacteria from affecting your gums. We are still susceptible to bacterial infection in our gums regardless if we brush our teeth or not. In that situation, a cup of pineapples can help reduce the risk of you having to suffer for weeks, not to mention the constant pain while you face while trying to chew something. Pineapples really are nature’s greatest gift to us as they have all the properties needed to help defend us against a world full of diseases, infections and most of all, cancer.

Health Benefits Of Black Jack Herb Benefits

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